In Memoriam

On behalf of the entire Thomas family, I'd like to thank the Britton-Summers Funeral Home and VFW Post 9013 for their outstanding service and support with Wally's funeral. It was truly a beautiful and honorable memorial to my father, and I do appreciate it.

I'd also like to thank New Life Community Church of Belton, MO, for hosting the memorial service.

In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the V.F.W. Memorial Day Parade Fund, 9A Milk Street, Westborough, MA 01581

Friday, September 21, 2007


I could not think of how to title this so I just said "update". . .not very catchy, but it is what it is. Right now I am sitting in our hotel room, listening to my husband sleeping. As I type this I can see the flag that was resting on Wally's coffin yesterday during the ceremony. It reminds me how honored I was to have known him and been able to take care of him.

Ralph and I took his mom and step father to the train station and then drove around the Boston area. We ending up taking a guided tour of the USS Constituion, something Ralph fondly remembers doing on several occasions with his dad. When we were almost done with the tour, we noticed a WWII vet pull out a flag and hand it to a sailor who flew it over the ship. They then removed it and folded it into a triangle. Both Ralph and I thought the same thing. . .would'nt it be nice to have Wally's flag flown there too? The ships commander said that he would be honored to fly the flag that was on Wally's coffin. So tomorrow before we get to the airport and drop off our rental car, we will take Wally's flag and have it flown on the USS Constituion. Ralph has already made arrangements for it to be flown on the USS Russell for one full day. When they send it back from the Russell, it will come with a certificate.

I will share more later, including video, about Wally's funeral here. It was very touching!

Sunday, September 23, 2007 at 7pm we will have a memorial service for Wally at New Life Community Church in Belton (16111 Vicie). All are welcome to attend in his honor. Thank you so much for your support during this difficult time.

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