In Memoriam

On behalf of the entire Thomas family, I'd like to thank the Britton-Summers Funeral Home and VFW Post 9013 for their outstanding service and support with Wally's funeral. It was truly a beautiful and honorable memorial to my father, and I do appreciate it.

I'd also like to thank New Life Community Church of Belton, MO, for hosting the memorial service.

In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the V.F.W. Memorial Day Parade Fund, 9A Milk Street, Westborough, MA 01581

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Biopsy Results

After a full day in the hospital, with a more comfortable bed, an IV full of fluids and pain killers, Wally is feeling much better than he has since he was at Research Belton Hospital. He is sitting up, alert, interacting with people, smiling, laughing, joking, etc. It's good to see "the old Wally" back in action.

He had another sonogram of his kidneys tonight, because they want more information about the cysts they saw there earlier. Also, Dawn spoke with a social worker about home health care, and possible options for hospice.

Finally, another radiation oncologist came by (an associate of Wally's original radiation doctor), to deliver the results of the biopsy. The mass appears to be consistent with lung cancer, that has spread to his spine. This confirms the preliminary diagnoses, and makes it "official". The next step is to see another oncologist, who will discuss our options for treatment (besides/in addition to radiation).

Now that Wally has the pain under control, they will do the radiation simulation tomorrow morning, and may start his first radiation treatment on the same day. We'll also be talking to the new oncologist tomorrow, about chemotherapy and other options.

Wally was not perturbed by this news: in fact, he seemed to be resigned to it. He's not in bad spirits, but he's not happy about it, either -- which is to be expected. As usual, Wally is taking all this stoically, just as he has faced other challenges in his life. It's good to know that Wally is Wally, through and through...

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