In Memoriam

On behalf of the entire Thomas family, I'd like to thank the Britton-Summers Funeral Home and VFW Post 9013 for their outstanding service and support with Wally's funeral. It was truly a beautiful and honorable memorial to my father, and I do appreciate it.

I'd also like to thank New Life Community Church of Belton, MO, for hosting the memorial service.

In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the V.F.W. Memorial Day Parade Fund, 9A Milk Street, Westborough, MA 01581

Friday, September 14, 2007

Friday, September 14

No update yesterday, just too busy.

The night we came home from the hospital the hospice RN arrived at 11:45. He was here for awhile and Wally woke up and talked to him a bit about his collectables around his room. Then he asked to talk to Ralph so I got Ralph out of bed. Wally asked for a fruit cup so I got him one of his mandarin orange fruit cups and put it in a bowl for him. He ate the whole bowl then drank the juice it came in! That is the most he has eaten in weeks. He then said he wanted to get out of bed and sit at his desk and watch tv. Ralph, the RN and I just looked at each other. He had not gotten out of bed in over a week. We convinced him to stay in bed until the next day when he was rested but he realized himself that his legs were too weak for him to get up.

The Hospice nurse thinks it could be any day now. Wally is sleeping all of the time today and barely opens his eyes and does not seem to understand much. He is restless and we are giving him medicine to hopefully calm him as well as alleviate his pain. Yesterday he had a good early part of the day, but declined rapidly last night. HE was joking and laughing with myself and Karen and Bonnie, friends and neighbors of ours. He was even offering Bonnie some candy from a Whitmans sampler he had stashed in his room with his other food stuff. There seems to be no air moving in his right lung and his breathing is labored. Wally seems to be unable to get comfortable. The only response I got from his since last night was a squeeze of my hand as he looked at me when I was helping the hospice aide bathe him.

There are things I need to be prepping and calling about for his passing, such as funeral home and all of that stuff, but I am not focused on that "housekeeping" stuff right now, I am focused on trying to get him comfortable.

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